MX900 – Surf the Oil Wave

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Surf the Oil Wave with the MX900 – The Future of Precision Machining

The MX900 is Mitsubishi Electric’s cutting-edge solution for high-performance wire EDM machining in oil. Designed to meet the most demanding requirements, the MX900 delivers exceptional precision, smoother surfaces, and enhanced efficiency in every cut. With groundbreaking technology and superior control, it’s the ultimate machine for industries that require flawless precision.

Quick Facts

MX900 Series300300120

Perfection in oil that’s second to none

Configured for precision

Configured for precision

The MX900 has a traveling column design – proven for maximum precision with medium and heavy loads. The solid mechanical engineering as a firstclass basis guarantees precision for the life of the machine.

Decoupled from „vibration and heat“

Decoupled from „vibration and heat“

The wire-cutting machine stands within a fully enclosed housing – but on its own machine feet. All additional units are arranged on a surrounding floor slab and are fully decoupled from the machine. This eliminates disturbance caused by vibration and thermal effects on the machine.

100% more balls - more precise axis movements

100% more balls - more precise axis movements

The exceptionally heavy-duty machine bed, only the best, top-flight linear guides and precision assembly ensure the best wire-cutting results in the long term. The slides of the linear guides come with play-free bearings without contact between the ball bearings during movement – for maximum smoothness of motion and almost no rolling resistance.

Spheroidal graphite iron leveled by ultra-precision grinding

Spheroidal graphite iron leveled by ultra-precision grinding

A solid cast provides the best machine bed for the 8-fold supported linear guides. This ensures that your MX900 is not only ultra-precise but will remain so for a decade and beyond…

Temperature stability

Temperature stability

Greater accuracy with challenging workpieces through thermal decoupling and pre-control.

The temperature management of the MX is based on two pillars. First, external influences are minimized by decoupling the work tank and erosion area from the external environment. Second, the heat generated by pumps, other components, and the erosion process itself is pre-calculated and proactively compensated.

This is crucial because thermodynamic processes take time, and simple adjustments made later are too late for the required precision, leading to a loss of accuracy. The MX900 is simply better at anticipating these challenges.

The Tubular Shaft Motor

The Tubular Shaft Motor

The Tubular Shaft Motor converts energy directly into motion, without contact, without maintenance and above all without loss of precision – long-term. Combined with the 400% faster fibre-optic-­based control, this superior technology can truly show what it is capable of.

The positioning accuracy of the MX900 is < +/- 1 µm over the entire travel path – there’s a genuine 12-year manufacturer warranty for this on all Mitsubishi Electric EDM systems. An assurance of top-level durability.

Your company’s technological edge has a name: ­Tubular Shaft Motor – from world market leader ­Mitsubishi Electric.

Perfect drive

Perfect drive

What was it about conventional drive systems that bothered developers at Mitsubishi Electric? The need for lubrication, the friction and frictional heat, power consumption, backlash, the cogging moment and above all the possible wear. Only a non-­contact drive overcomes these drawbacks from the outset and is thus an assurance of better results and enhanced dependability over decades.

Speed of light

Speed of light

The Mitsubishi Electric polymer optical fibres have decisive advantages – not only over conventional copper cables, but also over glass fibres. Not only their total resistance to water, but also their high transmission rates combined with minimal space requirements and maximum flexibility are essential for truly progressive EDM systems. The only thing that you as a user notice is the longer service life and enhanced precision.

No disruptive cogging torque

No disruptive cogging torque

You’re surely familiar with the cogging torque ma­n­i­fested by a conventional electric motor. It is precisely this cogging torque that is undesirable, as are variations in torque. The tubular direct drive has neither and is therefore the optimum drive for precision ­applications such as spark erosion.

Features in this category

Configured for precision
Decoupled from „vibration and heat“
100% more balls - more precise axis movements
Spheroidal graphite iron leveled by ultra-precision grinding
Temperature stability
The Tubular Shaft Motor
Perfect drive
Speed of light
No disruptive cogging torque

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Precision for small and large workpieces

Brilliant Finish

Brilliant Finish

  • as good as Ra 0.04 µm in ­tungsten carbide
  • in steel < Ra 0.10 µm
  • even and ­particularly where complex ­geometries are concerned

Workpiece Specifications
Material: Tungsten Carbide (KD20), 20mm
Eroding wire: 0.20 mm brass
Surface roughness: 0.04 μm Ra

Positioning accuracy all the way

Positioning accuracy all the way

Positional variation less than 1 µm over the entire 300 mm travel path.

Full circle

Full circle

30 mm circle and 20 mm cutting height with ­precision of 0.73 µm in circularity.

It’s the contour that counts

It’s the contour that counts

± 1 µm – maximum dimensional accuracy here ­taking the example of a 40 mm tall component.

Wire break point insertion

Wire break point insertion

Automatic threading in the tiniest start holes, even in difficult applications. The innovative flow analysis for the jet stream takes the effort out of your work.

Round diamond guide

Round diamond guide

Maximum precision and durability ensure the best results in the long run – inclusive of maintenance-­friendliness due to a small number of parts and simple design.

Flexibility – when it comes to wire diameter

Flexibility – when it comes to wire diameter

The Intelligent AT in the MX900 is designed as standard for wire thicknesses of 0.05–0.20 mm (0.03 mm available as option). The right range for all applications.

Process Control at its best – Power Master

Process Control at its best – Power Master

The Power Master Control gives the highest level of process stability – whatever the shape being cut. Stepped workpiece shapes, boreholes and other obstacles to a stable cutting process are identified as soon as they appear and the control adopts cutting and flushing parameters for a safe process and superlative accuracy.

Getting a grip on radii and corners

Getting a grip on radii and corners

On small inner and outer corners and complicated geometries, Corner Master 3 comes to your aid. You merely define your priorities, and optimisation is performed accordingly.

Better straightness and shape accuracy

Better straightness and shape accuracy

With precise control of the electrical discharge ­position, material is only removed where it needs to be. The patented functions of the Digital AE II improve rough and fine machining and fine finishing – in terms of both precision and machining time.

Features in this category

Brilliant Finish
Positioning accuracy all the way
Full circle
It’s the contour that counts
Wire break point insertion
Round diamond guide
Flexibility – when it comes to wire diameter
Process Control at its best – Power Master
Getting a grip on radii and corners
Better straightness and shape accuracy

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XEDM - Programmed for You, This is How Simplicity Works!

XEDM Programming System

XEDM Programming System

Brings massive improvements for you as a user, it programs for you and checks the result. This way, costly errors are avoided from the start.

Programming without Training

Programming without Training

As a user, I can make CAM changes directly on the machine control. Simple and intuitive for quick and reliable NC programs. Tailored for application directly in production.

Self-explanatory Simplicity!

Self-explanatory Simplicity!

I can easily control the cutting sequence:

  • Sequence (e.g., first all main cuts, etc.)
  • Timing of detaching scrap parts (immediately, after the main cut, or separately after skim cuts)
  • Further settings (e.g., partial processing), etc.
XEDM and EXPRESSCAM - The Strong Team

XEDM and EXPRESSCAM - The Strong Team

Convenient with the same user interface in Xpress-CAM for the PC and XEDM. Users find it particularly easy because a shared data source allows seamless preparation on the PC, including technology selection. Changes can also be made directly on the machine with XEDM – saving time.

Master the smallest corners excellently with MAISART

Master the smallest corners excellently with MAISART

Produce previously impossible precision with particularly small radii reliably. The artificial intelligence solution developed by Mitsubishi Electric for over half a decade, named MAISART, makes it possible. See for yourself and look forward to ultra-precision.

Smart user guidance, easy work set-up

Smart user guidance, easy work set-up

If time is of the essence or you want the machine to take some of the work off your shoulders. Set-up often takes too long; from now on, you can save this time.

Highly accurate probing cycles on the sides and the corners measure the workpiece precisely. With or without jet stream or even submerged by means of the cutting wire or with the optional 3D touch probe – just as you wish.

Fully automatic alignment cycles

Fully automatic alignment cycles

Intelligent user guidance takes you to the finish. The electrical discharge machine takes you quickly to your goal.

Manual control

Manual control

Comfortable set-up with the manual control box: standard equipment with Mitsubishi Electric. All essential control functions at hand – wherever you need them.

3D position measuring – manual or automatic

3D position measuring – manual or automatic

Both are possible. As a user, you decide whether you do set-up classically by hand or the machine automatically defines the position of your workpiece. Using the cutting wire or pick-up coil – the machine takes care of it for you. It only takes the press of a button.

Features in this category

XEDM Programming System
Programming without Training
Self-explanatory Simplicity!
XEDM and EXPRESSCAM - The Strong Team
Master the smallest corners excellently with MAISART
Smart user guidance, easy work set-up
Fully automatic alignment cycles
Manual control
3D position measuring – manual or automatic

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Precise Finish Circuit – a boost to productivity

Pulse duration: 1 billionth of a second

Pulse duration: 1 billionth of a second

Response time is decisive.
The lower the energy input, the better and more stabile the cut edges. A larger number of shorter pulses achieve the highest precision ever coupled with good cutting speed – minimising microcracking in the material as a side-effect. The reduced damage in the edge zones and better structural integrity yield much ­extended service life, and not only that of stamping tools.

Twice-as-fast spark detection

Twice-as-fast spark detection

The high-speed digital control works up to twice as fast as traditional machines. A great basis for immaculate component results – in terms of geometrical trueness and surface roughness.

Extremely low risk of microcracking

Extremely low risk of microcracking

The special feature of the MX900’s nPV Generator designed for dielectric oil is its gentle application of energy to the workpiece. Extended tool life for cutting punches and other similarly stressed components is an inevitable consequence.

Good removal rate and superlative surface quality

Good removal rate and superlative surface quality

The new nPV Generator succeeds in using the same quantity of energy to machine the material while significantly reducing the energy peaks on the workpiece. This is achieved by applying lower energy to the workpiece at higher frequency.

The nPV Generator

The nPV Generator

The various units of the generator have been ­perfectly matched, making it possible to achieve a good removal rate combined with a superlative surface finish.

Cutting wire replacement

Cutting wire replacement

Simply replace the spool and feed the cutting wire over the feed rollers. Everything ready for work again in 92 seconds.

Automatic central lubrication

Automatic central lubrication

Makes for smooth running long-term – entirely with­out stoppages, lubrication nipples or cumbersome grease guns. You can now make more productive use of this time.

Changing the power feed contact

Changing the power feed contact

Replace the power feed contact with just one hand and a small gauge – at speeds like in Formula 1.

Features in this category

Pulse duration: 1 billionth of a second
Twice-as-fast spark detection
Extremely low risk of microcracking
Good removal rate and superlative surface quality
The nPV Generator
Cutting wire replacement
Automatic central lubrication
Changing the power feed contact

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Extra axes: Expand your possibilities – boost your earnings



A servo-controlled B-axis fully integrated in the machine controls permits wire cutting on a rotating carried workpiece. Separation and multi-sided machining can be per­formed in a single clamping as well as simultaneously.

Mini-rotational axis

Mini-rotational axis

Rotating spindle also fully integrated in the machine control with positioning for the most minute high-precision components, e.g. the man­ufacture of ejector pins with a diameter of ≥ 0.05 mm, the realisation of conical threads in medical technology, ero­sive grinding, turn­ing and simultaneous machining.



Working conditions that are kind to your eyes – for the sake of users and for the benefit of machining results.

Warning lamp

Warning lamp

Under scrutiny at all times – the status light visible from a distance leaves you in no doubt. LED technology makes the difference.

Features in this category

Mini-rotational axis
Warning lamp

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Warehousing and logistics

Warehousing and logistics

We supply all in-stock products (wear and spare parts) even outside normal business hours, e.g. by ­courier or collection. Our proximity to Düsseldorf Airport and motorway links enables us to ship parts at high speed.

Original Mitsubishi Electric parts

Original Mitsubishi Electric parts

All standard spare parts of the ­Mitsubishi Electric consumables line are original imports or fabricated in Germany in accordance with the development and design specification. You receive original parts of ­immaculate quality at attractive prices.

Support when you need it

Support when you need it

With strong support from Mitsubishi Electric by phone, via McAnywhere Live, or on-site, your ­machine runs according to plan.



Users learn skilled operation right at the machine and at specially con­figured CNC workstations. This way you benefit most from a direct transfer of expertise. Training is available at the facilities of Mitsubishi ­Electric in ­Ratingen, Germany. Additionally, training courses are provided by our international partners.

All training participants receive a certificate on ­completing a course.

Courses, seminars and user workshops

Courses, seminars and user workshops

The varied programme covers everything from basic knowledge through to customised training geared precisely to your employees’ learning needs. In addition, we also hold regular applications workshops – free of charge to our customers – which always deal with current topics in theory and practice.

Our skilled instructors introduce you to our EDM systems in theory and practice. The training facilities are appointed with the latest technology, CNC simulators and ­peripheral equipment.

Features in this category

Warehousing and logistics
Original Mitsubishi Electric parts
Support when you need it
Courses, seminars and user workshops

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Travel (X / Y / Z) in mm300 / 300 / 120
Travel (U / V) in mm(+/- 35)
Taper angle (workpiece height) in °/mmMax. 15°
Max. workpiece dimensions (W x D x H) in mm500 x 500 x 100
Max. workpiece weight in kg300
Table dimensions (W x D) in mm560 x 505
Table layoutHardened 4-sided table
Possible wire diameters in mm0.05 – 0.2
Wire spool capacity in kg10
Automatic wire threader / wire chopperYes
Overall dimensions (W x D x H) in mm2335 x 2965 x 2203
Machine weight in kg3400
Mains voltage3-phase 400 V/AC ± 10%, 50/60 Hz, 13 kVA
Filter systemMX900
Tank capacity in l325 (Initial filling 350 l)
Filter particle size in µm / filter elements3/2
Temperature controlDielectric cooling unit
Weight (dry) in kgIncluded in machine weight
Input methodKeyboard, USB flash drive, Ethernet, 19” touchscreen
Control system19“ touchscreen / CNC, closed circuit
Min. command step (X / Y / Z / U / V) in µm0.1
Min. axis resolution in µm0.05
Tubular Shaft Drives with linear scales (X / Y / U / V)Yes
Control M800 with 19” full-touch monitorYes
Hand pilot with configurable LCD monitorYes
Automatic vertical front doorYes
Digital AE II generatorYes
Hardened 4-side frame tableYes
McAfee AntiVirus embeddedYes
Sleep modeYes
Optional HardwareMX900
Thin wire specification 0.03 mmOptional
Angle Master Advance II – basic kit incl. aligning deviceOptional
Angle Master advance II – Wire guide kitOptional
External signal output with relay boardOptional
Tricolour status lampOptional
Automatic Renishaw probeOptional
ERGO-LUX LED floodlightOptional
Renishaw touch probeOptional
Additional axes / rotational axisOptional
Optional ToolsMX900
mcAnywhere Service / Live ServiceYes
mcAnywhere Control / mcAnywhere Control lightOptional
mcAnywhere Contact / mcAnywhere Contact lightOptional/Yes
Tool package / automation solutionsOptional
Power supply unitRegenerative transistor pulse type
Cooling methodFully sealed / indirect air cooling
Max. output current in A50
Dimensions (W x D x H) in mmIntegrated in the machine module
Weight in kgIncluded in machine weight

MX900 Brochures

  • MX900 Brochure EN (5 MB)

  • MX900 Brochure DE (5 MB)

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Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V.
German Branch
Mitsubishi-Electric-Platz 1
D - 40882 Ratingen

Tel.: +49 (0)2102 / 486 - 6120

Tel.: +49 (0)2102 / 486 - 7600

Tel.: +49 (0)2102 / 486 - 7700

Tel.: +49 (0)2102 / 486 - 7500